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SERVPRO® of Panthersville Attained WOSB, WBE, MBE, AABE, and FBE Certifications

The Owner of SERVPRO® of Panthersville, Nadine Marsh Coleman, was interviewed by Leslie Kuban from the Atlanta Small Business Network (ASBN). The interview included topics such as the certifications that the Franchise has attained. 

SERVPRO® of Panthersville is certified by Women's Business Enterprise National Council as a Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) and Woman Business Enterprise. (WBE). The company is also certified by the City of Atlanta as an African American Business Enterprise (AABE), Female Business Enterprise (FBE), and Small Business Enterprise (SBE). Lastly, the company is certified by the National Minority Supplier Development Council as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). The company's certifications are at the Photo Gallery Webpage as follows: 

SERVPRO® of Panthersville Certifications